Monday, April 4, 2011

Signs of Spring

The seeds are growing

Strawberries are in season

Easter decor is surfacing
Chandler is panting, of course he does that when it's zero degrees
Scooter is more thirsty
And it warmed up enough for the sprinkler!

A wee bit cold at first

Time to warm up
I think I hear the ice cream man

Neil splurged

A natural
Time for the adults to have fun!

Pizza Time Again!

Ree's Recipe of course

You can never go wrong with Frank...

...and my helpers.  The girls were MIA

My turn!
Oh yeah, let's wash those hands
The onions got to me
Roma tomatoes, red onion, green pepper, and leeks (on Neil's side) were chopped
Wall-ah!  Dinner and date nite with my boys.  John had a hotdog, go figure